Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You'll shoot your eye out.

I'm 18 weeks pregnant now and these past few days have been eye-opening. No, I probably won't shoot them out they're open so wide, but what you've heard is true, you can pee your pants. I'd heard it before and thought, "losers, I'm fully potty-trained, I ain't gonna pee my pants no matter what."

He he he, life will smack you in the head, I mean read my previous post if you want to see about life and collisions with my head.

So Monday night I'm getting ready to leave the house for a music class and decide I'd better use the bathroom before I'm stuck in the class for a couple hours, on my way to the bathroom, I sneeze three times. "Achoo, Achoo, Achoo, I peed!" Brandon follows me on my run to the bathroom, where we survey the damage and both laugh until we cry.

Today at work, I giggled and you guessed it, more pee. I use pantyliners now. I guess I'll be relying on them until July.

I hate being pregnant.


Adrienne Dawn said...

That's hilarious!!!!

Anne Ashley said...

Oh if a little pee is all you have to worry about, Bridget, then you are truly blessed, girl!! For real, though, hope everything all around is going well!