Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's that time of the year; when it's dark on the drive to and from work. I hate that. I've not officially been diagnosed with S.A.D. or anything, but it really angers me that the best part of the day be spent at work, and by best part, I mean the 93 minutes of sunshine in the early afternoon.
I've discussed this with Mr. B and proposed a move to sunnier climates like Florida, Arizona, really anywhere but the balmy-Midwest, would fill the bill.
There is the possibility that my dissatisfaction with my job adds to my distaste for missing the sunshine while engaged in "professional pursuits."
Speaking of, I am blessed to be employed and to do darn near whatever I please, don't get me wrong, but where are the "dream jobs"? Who really gets those? Where are the people excited to go to work, to pop out of bed? I want to be you, or to at least know your secret. Is it a line on excellent pharmaceuticals? Were your parents coal miners? Do you dislike your home, spouse, pets?

Is it possible that you, dear reader are an employer looking for a hard-working, creative type with a gift for gab and grammar? Feel free to contact me with positions you wish to fill.

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