First off, this is not an X-rated post, not even R-rated. Jeez people, heads out of the gutter!!
Beavers are the school mascot of my mom's school. She in fact, teaches at the same high school she graduated from, so by most accounts, she's the biggest beaver of them all. I'll mention here that Mom does most of her shopping at the school store. No joke. My sister and I lovingly refer to her wardrobe as "Beaver wear." Beaver sweatpants, shirts, t-shirts, socks, the whole deal. She'll even slip us Beaver wear in our stockings at Christmas, and I'm not sure what's worse, Beaver wear or coal, because we grew up in the neighboring school district (Dad's Alma mater) and had a pretty intense rivalry for most of our school days. We were the proud, Dells Chiefs. We had no business in Beaver wear.
In addition to the cheer at the top of this post, we had another one that Dad said was just not nice and we shouldn't say it. I'll share it with you now, "Chiefs Eat Beaver Meat!" Which was probably historically accurate, so we plead not guilty on that one.

Reedsburg Times Press photo
Anywhoo - Mom's psyched 'cause the Beavers are going to state! This year's football Beavers had a great 10-3 season and will meet the Comets (13-0) from Waupaca at Camp Randall tomorrow for the Division 3 Title match up. Mom's sister, my aunt Shirley's grandson is on the team so a whole car load of Beaver Alumni will be following the school buses down to cheer on the team. I can hear it now, "Go Beavers, Damn the Comets!"
Oh and good news, Mom says if the Beavers are victorious, we'll all get new Beaver wear for Christmas! I bet even if they lose, so will we.
It's exciting for the hometown and for my mom, so GO BEAVERS!
1 comment:
LOL. I wrote an essay for my high school German class where the question was, "If you were an animal, what would it be?" and innocent I chose "Das Biber." Luckily my teacher, Herr Alles, had a good sense of humor and was not the creepy type. :)
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