Friday, November 7, 2008

New Nose

I am one of those people prone to mishaps. I regularly trip on my feet, I fell on stage during an improv show dislocating my pelvis, and I've smashed my nose with a butterfly machine to name a few. (I tried to find a picture of a butterfly machine, but none were quite right - it's the machine in the gym that exercises your upper arm.) When one side of the machine doesn't move, the side that does, comes screaming into your face with incredible force and your face has nowhere to go. Turns out that the butterfly machine-nose meeting did not go that well and didn't assist in my ability to breathe. In fact, I crushed the left nostril/airway closed - a self-inflicted deviated septum if you will. My dear husband; who took excellent care of me following my rhinoplasty, also took some pictures of the before, middle and end of my journey toward a new, functioning nose. The middle one is gross, shield the eyes of young children before proceeding.

Moments before surgery 10/10/08

A few days after surgery - pretty huh?

11/6/08 - new nose, all healed and functioning beautifully!


Laura said...

Fabulous new nose!

JenEffer Vescent said...

Ouch! Which hurt worse - getting hit in the nose or the surgery following that? Looks good afterwards.

Bibi said...

Thanks - it's a toss up on which hurt more, but to be able to breathe is awesome!