Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Placenta Monologues

May 1, 2009
WHOA Centa!! I can see you a bit more clearly now and no offense, but you're ugly!! I thought you were a toy. Granted, the most boring toy ever, but something for my amusement none the less, you are ugly and not a toy at all!!
You're soft and warm, but oh yuck, Centa have you looked in a mirror??? I've got bad news, our living arrangements suck and now this, not a toy, not a blanket, no t.v. no facebook . . . I hate it here.
My room is dark and damp, it's like living in a basement and Ma's upstairs. She'll probably start charging rent soon . . .
I hope she see's that guy with the low voice soon, he's so nice and usually takes us somewhere.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Love it. So funny...
Glad you guys are actually having fun with all of the baby stuff, rather than being all stressed and crazy!